
Monday, November 18, 2013

Pollution Presentation

Wise Use of Our Resources: Pollution


  1. I enjoyed watching your presentation. I found everything interesting and your presentation really caught my eye at first glance. We address the same topics in our presentations. Your presentation should have included some more types of pollution such as Air pollution, Land pollution, etc. You included the sites nicely and they were very clear to see.

  2. I really liked how you had the picture of the human and you were blaming pollution on them. It was a simple, yet funny, way to show who is causing most of the pollution in the world. I researched the topic of deforestation and the thought of air pollution came to mind as I read your presentation. I remembered that one of the causes of deforestation is slash and burn farming and after learning about both deforestation and pollution, I believe that the contaminated air from burning the crops contributes to pollution. The one question I have for you is about recycling. In order to help with pollution, is it better to recycle one resource and make sure it is properly displaced or to try and recycle as many different resources as possible and hope that is properly displaced?
